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The Turnpike Centre Window Commission


By Craig Atherton

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You may have noticed a beautiful new artwork bringing vibrant energy to the foyer windows at The Turnpike Centre. Local artist Craig Atherton was commissioned by The Turnpike Gallery to create a colourful vinyl installation for the front and side windows of building’s main entrance.

Craig’s installation blends his signature style of brightly coloured intersecting abstract shapes with inspiration from the iconic design of the William Mitchell frieze, created in 1971 as the finishing touch on the brutalist concrete building. On a bright day the vinyl shapes scatter light and colour across the foyer and steps, creating beautiful patterns that shift with the movement of the sun.Craig window commission 4

The work was installed over two weeks in October 2023 with the help of assistant artist Lisa Edwards. A screen printer, technician and workshop facilitator, Craig’s practice takes inspiration from the colours, patterns, and movements found in the natural world, as well as the intricate connections between individuals and communities.

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You can see more of Craig’s artwork on Instagram (external link)